
Standard Deviation Of The Difference

Maybe yous've come up across the terms "standard deviation" and "standard error" and are wondering what the difference is. What are they used for, and what practice they really hateful for data analysts? Well, you've come up to the right place. Keep reading for a beginner-friendly caption.

When analyzing and interpreting information, you're trying to find patterns and insights that tin tell you something useful. For example, yous might utilize data to better understand the spending habits of people who live in a sure city. In this case, it well-nigh likely wouldn't be possible to collect the information you lot need from every unmarried person living in that urban center—rather, you'd use a sample of data and and then apply your findings to the general population. Every bit part of your analysis, it'due south important to understand how accurately or closely the sample data represents the whole population. In other words, how applicative are your findings?

This is where statistics similar standard deviation and standard error come in. In this mail, we'll explain exactly what standard deviation and standard error mean, likewise equally the key differences betwixt them. First, though, we'll fix the scene by briefly recapping the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics (equally standard deviation is a descriptive statistic, while standard mistake an inferential statistic). Sound confusing? Don't worry! All will become articulate by the end of this mail service.

If you're already familiar with descriptive vs inferential statistics, just use the clickable menu to skip ahead.

  1. Quick recap: What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?
  2. What is standard divergence?
  3. How to calculate standard deviation
  4. What is standard error?
  5. How to calculate standard error
  6. Standard error vs standard deviation: What is the difference?
  7. Standard error vs standard divergence: When should you utilise them?
  8. Fundamental takeaways and further reading

Are you lot ready to explore the difference betwixt standard error and standard deviation? Allow's dive in.

1. What is the departure betwixt descriptive and inferential statistics?

The first main difference between standard difference and standard error is that standard difference is a descriptive statistic while standard error is an inferential statistic. And then what's the difference?

Descriptive statistics are used to describe the characteristics or features of a dataset. This includes things like distribution(the frequency of dissimilar information points within a data sample—for example, how many people in the chosen population take brown hair, blonde hair, black hair, etc), measures of key trend (the mean, median, and mode values), and variability (how the data is distributed—for example, looking at the minimum and maximum values inside a dataset).

While descriptive statistics simply summarize your data, with inferential statistics, you're making generalizations well-nigh a population (e.thou. residents of New York City) based on a representative sample of data from that population. Inferential statistics are oft expressed every bit a probability.

You tin learn more about the deviation betwixt descriptive and inferential statistics in this guide, but for at present, nosotros'll focus on the topic at hand: Standard deviation vs standard error.

So without further ado: What is standard departure?

2. What is standard difference?

As already mentioned, standard deviation is a descriptive statistic, which means it helps you to describe or summarize your dataset. In unproblematic terms, standard departure tells you, on average, how far each value inside your dataset lies from the hateful. A high standard difference means that the values inside a dataset are by and large positioned far away from the mean, while a depression standard deviation indicates that the values tend to exist clustered close to the mean. So, in a nutshell, it measures how much "spread" or variability there is inside your dataset.

A normally distributed, bell-shaped graph

An example of standard deviation

Let's illustrate this farther with the assist of an example. Suppose two shops X and Y take four employees each. In shop X, two employees earn $14 per 60 minutes and the other 2 earn $16 per hr. In store Y, 1 employee earns $11 per hr, ane earns $x per hr, the third earns $19, and the fourth receives $20 per hour. The boilerplate hourly wage for each shop is $fifteen, simply you tin see that some employees earn much closer to this average value than others.

A spreadsheet containing data for employees' hourly wages for two different shops

For shop X, the employees' wages are close to the boilerplate value of $15, with little variation (simply one dollar deviation either side), while for store Y, the values are spread quite far apart from each other, and from the boilerplate. In this simple example, we tin can see this at a glance without doing whatsoever heavy calculations. Simply, in a more comprehensive and complex dataset, you'd calculate the standard deviation to tell you how far each individual value sits from the hateful value.

Nosotros'll await at how to calculate standard deviation in section three. For now, we'll introduce two key concepts: Normal distribution and the empirical rule.

Normal distribution in standard difference

Standard deviation can be interpreted past using normal distribution. In graph course, normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve which is used to brandish the distribution of independent and similar information values. In any normal distribution, data is symmetrical and distributed in fixed intervals around the mean. In terms of standard deviation, a graph (or curve) with a high, narrow peak and a small spread indicates depression standard departure, while a flatter, broader curve indicates high standard divergence.

A graph showing the different distribution curves for high and low standard deviation within a dataset

What is the empirical rule?

If your dataset follows a normal distribution, you tin interpret information technology using the empirical dominion. The empirical rule states that almost all observed data will autumn inside three standard deviations of the mean:

  • Around 68% of values fall within the first standard deviation of the mean
  • Around 95% of values fall within the outset two standard deviations of the mean
  • Around 99.7% of values autumn inside the first three standard deviations of the mean

A graph illustrating the three standard deviations of the mean, according to the empirical rule

The empirical rule gives a quick overview of data and determines extreme values that don't follow a design of normal distribution.

At present we know what standard deviation tells us, let's have a look at how to calculate it.

3. How to calculate standard deviation

Now, you must be wondering about the formula used to calculate standard difference. At that place are really two formulas which can exist used to calculate standard deviation depending on the nature of the data—are you calculating the standard deviation for population data or for sample data?

  • Population information is when you lot have data for the entire group (or population) that you desire to analyze. For example, if you're collecting data on employees in your visitor and have data for all 100 employees, you are working with population information.
  • Sample information is when you collect data from merely a sample of the population yous want to get together insights for. For instance, if you wanted to collect data on residents of New York City, you'd likely get a sample rather than gathering information for every unmarried person who lives in New York.

With that in mind, you can calculate standard departure as follows:

How to calculate standard difference for population data

To calculate standard deviation for population data, the formula is:

The formula used to calculate standard deviation for population data Standard divergence vs standard mistake: Population data[/explanation]


  • refers to population standard deviation
  • ∑ refers to sum of values
  • xi refers to each value
  • refers to population mean
  • N refers to number of values in the sample

How to calculate standard deviation for sample data

To calculate standard departure for sample data, you tin utilise the post-obit formula:

The formula used to calculate standard deviation for sample data


  • s refers to sample standard deviation
  • ∑ refers to sum of values
  • eleven refers to each value
  • x̅  refers to sample mean
  • N refers to number of values in the sample

At this stage, only having the mathematical formula may not be all that helpful. Permit's take a look at the actual steps involved in calculating the standard divergence.

How to summate the standard deviation (footstep by footstep)

Here nosotros'll break down the formula for standard divergence, footstep past stride.

  1. Find the mean: Add up all the scores (or values) in your dataset and divide them past the total number of scores or data points.
  2. Calculate the deviation from the hateful for each private score or value: Subtract the mean value (from stride one) from each individual value or score you lot have in your dataset. You lot'll finish upward with a ready of difference values.
  3. Square each deviation from the mean: Multiply each deviation value you got in footstep 2 by itself. E.g. if the deviation value is 4, multiply it by 4.
  4. Find the sum of squares: Add up all of the squared deviations as calculated in step 3. This will give you a single value known equally the sum of squares.
  5. Find the variance: Carve up the sum of the squares by n − 1 for sample data, or by N for population data. N denotes the total number of scores or values inside your dataset, so if you nerveless data on thirty employees, North is thirty. This will give you a variance value.
  6. Find the square root of the variance: Summate the square root of the variance (as calculated in step 5). This gives y'all the standard difference (SD).

Let'southward further illustrate the step-by-step procedure of computing standard divergence through an interesting example.

How to calculate standard departure with an case (in Excel or Google Sheets)

Let's imagine a grouping of 15 employees took part in an assessment, and their employer wants to know how much variation there is in the exam scores. Did all employees perform at a similar level, or was in that location a high standard deviation? The test scores are as follows:

A row of student test scores

Now allow's summate the standard deviation for our dataset, following the step-by-step process laid out previously. We'll use formulas in Google Sheets / Excel, but you tin can as well calculate these values manually.

  1. Observe the hateful: Add together all test scores together and divide the total score by the number of scores (1280 / 15 = 85.three). Your mean value is 85.3. In Google Sheets, we used the formula =SUM(A2:A16)/15
  2. Summate the deviation from the mean for each score and and then foursquare this value: Subtract the mean value (85.3) from each examination score, and so foursquare it. In Google Sheets, we used the formula =(A2-85.3)^2 (and then on). three
  3. Find the sum of the squares: Add upwardly all of the squared deviations (in column B) to find the sum of the squares. In Google Sheets, we used the formula =SUM(B2:B16) to get the value 1139.35.
  4. Find the variance: Carve up the sum of the squares by Northward (as we're using population data). And so: 1139.35 / 15 = 75.96.
  5. Discover the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation: Yous can calculate the square root in Excel or Google Sheets using the post-obit formula: =B18^0.v. In our example, the square root of 75.96 is 8.7.

A spreadsheet containing test scores, showing the calculation for standard deviation

Calculating variance and standard deviation in Google Sheets

And then, for the employee test scores, the standard divergence is eight.7. This is low variance, indicating that all employees performed at a similar level.

iv. What is standard error?

Standard error (or standard error of the mean) is an inferential statistic that tells you, in simple terms, how accurately your sample data represents the whole population. For example, if you conduct a survey of people living in New York, you're collecting a sample of data that represents a segment of the entire population of New York. Different samples of the same population volition requite you different results, so information technology's important to empathize how applicable your findings are. So, when you take the hateful results from your sample data and compare it with the overall population hateful on a distribution, the standard fault tells you what the variance is betwixt the 2 means. In other words, how much would the sample hateful vary if you were to repeat the same written report with a different sample of people from the New York City population?

Just like standard deviation, standard error is a mensurate of variability. Nonetheless, the difference is that standard divergencedescribes variability inside a single sample, while standard error describes variability beyond multiple samples of a population. We'll explore those differences in more item in department six. For at present, allow's keep to explore standard error.

A graph showing standard error of the mean for different data samples

Standard fault can either exist high or low. In the case of high standard fault, your sample data does not accurately correspond the population information; the sample means are widely spread around the population hateful. In the instance of depression standard error, your sample is a more than authentic representation of the population data, with the sample ways closely distributed effectually the population hateful.

What is the relationship between standard error (SE) and the sample size?

Sample size is inversely proportional to standard error, and so the standard fault can be minimized by using a large sample size. Every bit you lot can run into from this graph, the larger the sample size, the lower the standard error.

A graph showing the relationship between data sample size and standard error

5. How to calculate standard error

The computational method for calculating standard error is very similar to that of standard departure, with a slight departure in formula. The exact formula you lot use will depend on whether or non the population standard deviation is known. Information technology's likewise important to notation that the following formulas can only be applied to data samples containing more than 20 values.

So, if the population standard deviation is known, you lot can apply this formula to calculate standard fault:

The formula used to calculate standard error


  • SE refers to standard mistake of all possible samples from a single population
  • σ refers to population standard deviation
  • due north refers to the number of values in the sample

If the population standard deviation is non known, use this formula:

The formula used to calculate standard error where the population standard deviation is not known


  • SE refers to standard error of all possible samples from a single population
  • s refers to sample standard divergence which is a point gauge of population standard deviation
  • n refers to the number of values in the sample

How to calculate standard error (step by pace)

Let's suspension that process down pace by step.

  1. Find the square root of your sample size ( northward )
  2. Notice the standard deviation for your data sample (following the steps laid out in department three of this guide)
  3. Carve up the sample standard deviation (as found in pace 2) by the square root of your sample size (as calculated in step 1)

Permit'southward solve a trouble step-past-stride to evidence you how to calculate the standard error of hateful by hand.

How to calculate standard mistake with an case

Suppose a large number of students from multiple schools participated in a pattern competition. From the whole population of students, evaluators chose a sample of 300 students for a 2nd round. The mean of their contest scores is 650, while the sample standard deviation of  scores is 220. Now let'southward calculate the standard error.

  1. Discover the square root of the sample size. In our example,n = 300, and yous tin calculate the square root in Excel or Google Sheets using the following formula: =300^0.5. So northward = 17.32
  2. Discover the standard deviation for your data sample. Yous can do this following the steps laid out in department three, only for now we'll take information technology as known that the sample standard divergence Southward = 220.
  3. Divide the sample standard departure by the foursquare root of the sample size. So, in our case, 220 / 17.32 = 12.vii. So, the standard error is 12.7.

When reporting the standard mistake, you lot would write (for our instance): The mean test score is 650 ± 12.7 (SE).

6. Standard error vs standard departure: What's the difference?

Now we know what standard departure and standard error are, permit's examine the differences between them. The central differences are:

  • Standard deviation describes variability within a single sample, while standard mistake describes variability across multiple samples of a population.
  • Standard deviation is a descriptive statistic that can exist calculated from sample data, while standard error is an inferential statistic that can simply exist estimated.
  • Standard deviation measures how much observations vary from 1 some other, while standard error looks at how accurate the mean of a sample of data is compared to the true population mean.
  • The formula for standard deviation calculates the square root of the variance, while the formula for standard error calculates the standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

7. Standard fault vs standard deviation: When should you use which?

With those differences in listen, when should you use standard difference and when should you use standard error?

Standard deviation is useful when you demand to compare and depict different data values that are widely scattered within a single dataset. Because standard deviation measures how close each observation is to the mean, it can tell you lot how precise the measurements are. So, if you have a dataset forecasting air pollution for a certain city, a standard deviation of 0.89 (i.e. a depression standard deviation) shows you that the data is precise.

Standard error is useful if yous want to test a hypothesis, as it allows y'all to gauge how accurate and precise your sample data is in relation to cartoon conclusions about the actual overall population. For example, if y'all want to investigate the spending habits of everyone over 50 in New York City, using a sample of 500 people, standard mistake can tell you how "powerful" or applicable your findings are.

8. Key takeaways and farther reading

In this guide, we've explained how to summate standard error and standard difference, and outlined the key differences between the two. In summary, standard divergence tells you how far each value lies from the mean inside a single dataset, while standard error tells you how accurately your sample information represents the whole population.

Statistical concepts such as these form the very basis of information analytics, so it's important to get your caput effectually them if you're considering a career in data analytics or data science. If you'd like to try your hand at analyzing real information, we can recommend this free introductory data analytics short class. And, for more useful guides, check out the post-obit:

  • What's the deviation between covariance and correlation?
  • What is exploratory data analysis?
  • What is multivariate data analysis?

Standard Deviation Of The Difference,


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