
How To Deal With Insurance Adjuster After Water Damage

water damage and flooding to a residential home

How to Bargain with Your Insurance Company later on a Disaster Merits

Dealing with a disaster in your home is overwhelming. When your home is damaged due to water, fire, mold or trauma, you may be stuck wondering how you lot should continue, with a million questions running through your head, including:

  • Who tin assistance me set this damage?
  • Should I call my insurance company?
  • Does my insurance cover this disaster?
  • Do I demand to have pictures?
  • Volition my insurance cover the cost to rebuild or repair the damage?

Commencement and foremost, you should know that there are specific companies that can aid you lot through the entire process – disaster relief companies, whose job it is not only to clean up the harm but also to gather bear witness, to work with the insurance, to fight to get your claims money, and some can even help you rebuild.

STEPS OF THE Procedure

Dealing with a disaster – and the insurance company – is a procedure. There is a certain order that should be followed before y'all can proceed to the next stride, show that must be gathered, people you lot will run into, and so on. Hither is an overview of what you volition feel in a disaster insurance claim.

Footstep 1: Reply to Emergencies

If yous experience a disaster in your dwelling house, the kickoff thing you lot must do is respond to whatever emergencies. This may include:

  • Making sure all home occupants are deemed for and safe.
  • Calling the fire section if your home is on fire.
  • Turning off the water (from the source or the main supply) if a pipe outburst and is flooding your home.
  • Heading to the pinnacle floor or roof if you're experiencing flooding from a river and cannot safely escape.
  • Calling the police or 911 if you are in danger or if a crime has been committed.
  • Leaving the home if it is not safe to be there.

Your kickoff thoughts may go to your home and your possessions, merely those things can wait. Respond to all emergencies commencement.

Footstep two: Assess the Damage

flooding asses the damageAfterward the emergency is under command, it'southward fourth dimension to pace dorsum and assess the overall situation – just safety is nevertheless your main concern. Do Non reenter your abode if information technology is not safe to do so; discover a place to stay and return when it is rubber to handle this footstep.

When assessing the damage, you simply want to become a general idea of what happened and what has been damaged. The disaster relief visitor and your insurance will do a more thorough assessment of damages after on. Even so, some initial observations will help you ameliorate communicate what happened to the disaster relief company.

  • What kind of disaster occurred – fire, water, mold, trauma? Sometimes it's more than i.
  • Where is the majority of the damage located?
  • Is your home exposed to the elements (broken windows, holes in the roof, etc)?

A quick assessment volition assist you sympathise what you are dealing with and better communicate it to the disaster relief company in the next step.

When assessing the damage y'all can take photographs which are helpful in proving your disaster and getting your claims money – only the disaster relief team will be taking plenty of photos of the impairment and cleaning process as well, so if yous don't have a camera or phone handy, that is okay as well.

When assessing the damage DO NOT begin cleanup. One mistake homeowners make is that they oftentimes start to clean upward the disaster – for example, they may vacuum up the pooling water, thinking that they are helping the situation. Nevertheless, the insurance company needs detailed and documented proof of the disaster itself, so cleaning up without documenting the proper evidence can injure your claim (or fifty-fifty become it denied).

Step three: Call a Local Damage/Disaster Company

Homeowners typically call their insurance right away when a disaster happens. While it is important to phone call the insurance in a timely style, there are a few practiced reasons why calling your local damage or disaster visitor first makes more than sense.

For i, in some cases you may decide not to get through your insurance – and how would you know that until you have someone appraise the damage? Some insurances take loftier deductibles, and if the damage is under that corporeality it makes sense to avoid a claim on your record. If y'all've filed claims in the past, yous may also exist worried about your charge per unit going up or even worse – getting your policy canceled. Once once more, your disaster relief visitor tin can assess the damage and suggest you on whether you should go forward with insurance.

Another reason to call a disaster relief visitor first is that they will pretty much handle everything for you. After you get the initial assessment and advice on if you should apply your insurance, pretty much the only thing y'all will accept to do is call in the claim. From there, the disaster relief company will clean up the disaster, assemble evidence, get estimates, deal with the insurance adjuster, negotiate to get y'all the about claims coin, and aid y'all rebuild, restore or upgrade your home afterward. Calling the disaster relief company first is an ideal way to accept the stress off of yourself in this difficult situation.

A final, and peradventure the most important, reason to call your local damage/disaster company first is that the insurance visitor will try to force per unit area you lot to utilise their 'preferred provider.' By police, it is your right to choose your own disaster relief company! Still, the insurance will endeavor to pressure you lot to choose one of their selected providers and information technology'south typically not in your best interest to go with them. Hither's why:

  • The insurance company wants y'all to apply that provider because they take special pricing arrangements with that provider.
  • Because of that, the 'preferred provider' of disaster relief services is splitting their interests – they are not simply working for you – they are actually working for the insurance visitor!
  • Since they work with the insurance visitor, they will try to keep prices downwardly (or else they won't be a preferred provider anymore and volition lose valuable referral business).
  • Keeping prices down means that using the preferred provider may affect the quality of the piece of work y'all get and the amount of money you get in your insurance merits.

You have a right to do enquiry and choose the disaster relief company that Yous remember is best. To observe a disaster relief company, you can search Google for 'restoration company' then your location (city or county). Yous can too search for your specific disaster – for instance 'water impairment visitor' and and then your location.

And so what are you looking for when yous cull a disaster relief company?

  • A company that provides 24/seven support so you tin get help right abroad.
  • A company with a fast response time and can get to you soon.
  • A company with certified and trained staff.
  • A visitor with a skillful reputation.
  • A company that is local, who knows about and is involved in your community. For this reason, locally-endemic family businesses tin typically provide amend service over national or franchised businesses.
  • A company with values you can relate to.

Step 4: Call Your Insurance

Your disaster relief team should be at your location fast – for example, New Life Restoration serves a 100-mile radius from our office and we strive to be at your home within ninety minutes, depending on how far away you lot live and the drive fourth dimension. Therefore, it makes sense to call the disaster relief team and get an idea on the extent of the damage kickoff before calling your insurance.

concerned couple on phone callWhen calling your insurance, the beginning question many homeowners have is, "Am I covered for this?" Information technology is hard to give a direct reply to this question because insurance policies vary widely. Many policies cover you for h2o damage originating inside the home (for instance, a burst pipe) or adventitious fires, but many don't comprehend y'all for flooding (h2o harm from an exterior source, similar a river), mold, or for wear and tear problems (for instance, if you have not maintained your roof). What y'all are covered for depends on the details of your policy. If you lot have a proficient insurance agent, they should understand your policy and be able to tell you lot if you are covered. Whether you are covered will also depend on the source and crusade of the damage, which is determined by the insurance adjuster.

Other things to know almost dealing with the insurance company:

  • You shouldn't expect too long to telephone call the insurance company. Afterwards you speak with the disaster company, information technology's fourth dimension to give the insurance a call too. If you wait too long, your claim could be denied.
  • The insurance may reimburse yous if y'all are displaced from your home. If yous are out of a bathroom, your home is 'unlivable' and yous are typically covered for lodging and living expenses. If you lot are out of a kitchen, you may be reimbursed for food if you have to eat out. If this applies to yous, ask about this during your phone telephone call and brand certain you lot relieve receipts.
  • The insurance procedure tin be lengthy. While many claims are resolved within 2 to half-dozen weeks, information technology can sometimes take longer than that. This is why you lot desire a skillful disaster relief company working on your side.
  • Over again y'all Practise NOT have to go with the insurance's 'preferred provider' for disaster relief services, fifty-fifty though they will effort to pressure you into it.
  • Your insurance will near likely go upwards after placing a claim. It may have six months to a year, simply inevitably your rates will increase.

A final thing homeowners wonder virtually insurance is how much of their disaster volition be covered. This will be determined based on the evidence, estimates, pricing and depreciation of items. In i respect, you could say that many insurance policies will cover all of the harm. HOWEVER, that is not the same thing as being reimbursed 100 per centum.

For case, if your kitchen cabinets burn down down in a fire, the insurance will comprehend them, only they will negotiate a price based on how much the cabinets are worth and how long yous've had them (depreciation) – meaning that although you are covered, y'all will non go 100 percent of the cabinet price to completely supplant them (y'all may become 50 pct or 75 percent instead).

This is the nigh important reason why you lot want to cull your own disaster relief company and not rely on the insurance company'due south 'preferred provider.' The right disaster relief company (like New Life Restoration!) will be your advocate during the claims process and help you recover equally much of your insurance coin as possible.

Stride 5: Begin Disaster Cleanup

new life restoration team member cleaning up damageThis stride will be dealt with past your disaster relief company. Some of the work will be performed immediately when they arrive at the scene to mitigate any further impairment.

For example, if yous take cleaved windows then they volition be boarded up and if at that place is a hole in the roof so it will be tarped. This prevents further damage, including theft or water damage from pelting.  In cases of water damage, information technology is also important to brainstorm the drying process right away. Mold can grow within 72 hours of water harm and this volition virtually probable not be covered by insurance, so cleaning up water volition be a height concern for the disaster relief team.

Some homeowners think that they could relieve some money by performing their own cleanup. This is an wrong – and potentially costly – assumption. There is a scientific process for cleaning upwards disasters like water, fire, mold and trauma. Improper cleanup can crusade the damage to spread and more than costly cleanup to be required after. Choose a disaster relief company you trust and allow them to comport out the proper procedures to clean up and restore your abode.

Stride 6: Get together Necessary Evidence

Once over again, this is a step for the disaster relief company. At New Life Restoration, we've worked on countless disasters of all types, and then we know the kind of specific evidence that insurance companies are looking for – the evidence that can help you lot get more than out of your insurance claim.

For example, something straightforward like pictures is really more complicated than you'd call back. In cases of water harm, the insurance company wants a multifariousness of photos documenting the entire process. This includes before photos that show standing water, soaked carpets, etc.; during photos that show the damage being cleaned up, such as a pic of the carpeting lifted upwardly with the padding in place, a pic of the padding removed, and and so on; and after photos which testify what things expect like after everything is removed and cleaned.

Depending on your disaster, you may need additional bear witness too. This may include:

  • Official reports from the constabulary, fire department or first responder.
  • Plumber's reports.
  • Scientific data such as moisture readings, atmospheric readings, and dehumidifier readings.
  • An inventory of damaged items which may exist very basic, but in some cases (like fires) may crave detailed data.

Again, having the right disaster relief squad on your side is crucial to your power to gather the right prove needed to satisfy the insurance company and get you lot the most claims money possible.

Step 7: Meet with Insurance Adjuster

The insurance adjuster is a representative from the insurance company who will investigate your merits. There is no set time when they will go far – it will depend on their workload and could be anywhere between 48 hours to two weeks subsequently you place your claim.

Couple meeting with insurance adjuster to asses damage claims The insurance adjuster volition decide if you are covered for the disaster and how much the insurance company should pay. Their inspection process may include:

  • A visit to your domicile to inspect the damage and/or cleanup.
  • An inspection to decide the crusade/source of the damage – and whether you are covered for that in your policy.
  • An interview with the claimant (homeowner) or other witnesses.
  • Boosted inquiry equally needed, such as looking a police reports and other documents.

Step 8: Claims Negotiation

In the end, your insurance adjuster will recommend a sure amount that the insurance company should pay – and the disaster relief team will likewise gather testify and estimates to recommend how much should be paid. The final corporeality you get is typically negotiated, where the two parties come across somewhere in the middle.

Claims negotiation is an important part of the process and another step where you really want a disaster relief visitor that y'all tin trust to be your abet. Every bit y'all know, the insurance adjuster is working for the insurance visitor, and as such they tend to endeavour to low ball the estimate on how much your claim is worth. You demand someone on the other end (the disaster relief team) to give higher (more realistic) estimates and to fight for what y'all deserve.

Yous typically won't get that if you cull the insurance company's preferred provider. Think, that preferred provider is too working for the insurance company! They need to keep the prices low so they will continue to become referral business organization and make coin. A preferred provider will, therefore, be a weaker negotiator because they are not fighting for you and you lot lone.

Step 9: Receive Claim Money

Subsequently negotiation, there will exist a final understanding on the amount of merits coin you are entitled to. You will then receive a check and can keep with repairing, rebuilding or fifty-fifty upgrading your home.

How the claims money is received will vary by insurance companies. Some scenarios include:

person receiving claim money from insurance adjuster

  • When a homeowner has a mortgage over $10,000, the check is often made out to the customer AND the mortgage visitor (which can exist a hassle to cash).
  • If the homeowner owns their firm outright, the insurance company will often send the check correct to them.
  • Some insurance companies likewise pay disaster relief companies directly for the emergency services, and so pay a separate cheque for repairs.

Step 10: Repair, Rebuild – or Upgrade

After you receive your insurance money, it's time to repair, rebuild or restore your home. If y'all chose the correct disaster relief visitor, they will have advocated to become you the most insurance money possible. Even so, even with that, it will not be easy to replace everything. Because depreciation is factored in, you typically will not get full replacement value for the items y'all lost in the disaster. This means you volition likely have to contribute some of your own coin even to restore your home back to 'normal.'

During the repair/rebuild stage, many other disaster relief companies volition step aside. Their job is to simply provide emergency cleanup, and after that, you're on your own.

remodeling kitchenThat is one of the benefits of choosing New Life Restoration. Not only practice we offer disaster relief services, nosotros are too staffed with residential and commercial painting contractors, a restoration team, designers and projection managers – we even have a remodeling showroom where you can speak to designers and pick out materials similar floor, cabinets and countertops. New Life Restoration'southward extended services mean that nosotros can go on to work with you throughout the restoration process to assistance put your abode – and life – dorsum together over again.

Many homeowners who experience disasters choose to turn their negative experience into a positive by upgrading their home (not simply restoring information technology). Yes, you can utilize insurance money (and likely some money from your own pocket) to supersede similar for similar. Just this is likewise the perfect fourth dimension to pay a little extra and get the upgrades you've e'er been dreaming of.


And so far we've provided a detailed overview of all the steps in dealing with insurance after a habitation disaster such every bit water, fire, mold or trauma. At present we'll have a minute to boil information technology down to our top five tips for navigating the process.

  1. Call the Disaster Relief Visitor First

Benefits of calling the disaster relief squad first include the power to assess the damage and make up one's mind if y'all should go through the insurance, and the peace of mind you become from having a connection that will be with you lot every stride of the fashion.

Notwithstanding, the most important benefit is that you can avoid blindly choosing the insurance company'southward 'preferred provider' and instead choose the visitor that YOU think will best represent your interests. In that location are many potential problems with choosing the preferred provider, all stemming from the fact that they too work for the insurance company. Do your enquiry, make a wise pick, and call your disaster relief company first.

  1. Begin Processing Your Disaster Correct Away

When you lot experience a disaster, you may be tempted to step away from the situation for a while to avoid the stress. However, you lot must deed right away to forbid further damage and to avoid the risk of your insurance company not roofing the merits.

A good disaster relief visitor should provide speedy services. New Life Restoration is bachelor 24/seven and aims to be at your home within 90 minutes (depending on travel altitude and fourth dimension). If you call right away yous tin can get to the next stride – calling the insurance company – within hours.

  1. Testify Is Fundamental

The primal to winning the most in your insurance claim is the prove you provide. The right evidence volition allow you to provide proof of the source of the impairment, the extent of the harm, and the cost of repairs. In one case once more, you desire an experienced team like New Life Restoration who knows how to document bear witness of your disaster. The most valuable evidence is pictures. You lot can never have enough pictures, and companies like New Life Restoration understand the importance of documenting the entire cleanup procedure with pictures the insurance company is looking for.

  1. Exist Aggressive.

You can't be passive when dealing with insurance. The insurance company is looking out for their best interests, trying to offer y'all the lowest amount possible for your claim. When dealing with insurance, you lot want a disaster relief company who tin can deed aggressively and exist your advocate. The insurance company is looking out for their best interests – who'south looking out for yours? Information technology should be an experienced disaster relief company that yous tin trust to gather the necessary evidence and defend your claims.

  1. Be Patient.

Dealing with insurance is a game of 'bustle upwards and wait.' Information technology can be a long and frustrating process, simply you have to follow all the steps and remain patient if you desire the all-time possible results. Your disaster relief team should keep you updated every pace of the style, just your patience is besides important to the process.


Dealing with an insurance visitor on a disaster-related claim can be overwhelming. If you haven't had to file a merits yet – or if you take but you would similar to be more prepared if at that place is a side by side time – there are a few steps you tin follow.

  1. Research & Choose a Disaster Relief Visitor NOW

There are many reasons why y'all don't desire to default to the insurance company's 'preferred provider.' However, in the case of a disaster emergency, you may non feel like yous take the proper time to research and choose the right company. You can solve this problem past taking some fourth dimension to inquiry and choose your disaster relief team now – when you are not in a stressful situation and take the time y'all demand to review companies in your area.

  1. Review Your Insurance Policy

Many people get insurance because they have to simply they don't really consider all the details in the policy and the things they may desire to or need to exist covered for. Earlier disaster strikes, review your policy to know exactly what coverage is included. The policy itself can be difficult to empathise, but if you take a knowledgeable agent you lot tin can sit down and get the data you need. When evaluating your insurance policy, you may consider calculation on extras that may be needed in the future. For example, nigh policies do not include flooding from external sources, so if you alive in an area that is prone to flooding, you may consider adding this extra coverage.

  1. Keep Records

A concluding thing you can practice is to keep records of the items in your dwelling in example y'all need them in the time to come. Saving receipts (especially for your well-nigh expensive purchases) will allow you to document the verbal price and the verbal fourth dimension yous bought the item (used in assessing depreciation value). Considering your paper records may be lost in a burn down or overflowing, you should likewise consider keeping digital files. In that location are apps out today that let yous to capture receipts simply by taking a picture of them with your telephone. This will ensure that your records are preserved in the worst case scenario.


picture of new life restoration teamNew Life Restoration is a disaster relief company that can take you through every pace of the insurance claims procedure and advocate to get you the most money possible. We are a family company that provides not but concrete services (like cleanup and repair) simply also the kind of mental and emotional support you need in a time of a domicile emergency. We are not a preferred provider, which means we work for YOU and ONLY YOU when handling your disaster and insurance claim.

Because we accept been through countless disasters, we are experts in the process. When you choose New Life Restoration we will handle about of the steps – simply to give y'all an idea of what you can expect in a disaster, we've provided this guide for homeowners dealing with insurance claims.

If you have experienced a disaster, including fire damage, water damage, mold or trauma, you can rely on our quick 24/vii services. We offer an judge 100-mile radius service area from our office, serving residents in Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County with a ninety infinitesimal response time in many cases. For your disaster relief needs, call united states at (805) 925-1600 whatever time.

How To Deal With Insurance Adjuster After Water Damage,


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